Huge thanks to Ana Luisa Hering for the following observations (I don't understand why, but for some reason she is unable to comment directly on this post 🤔):

Just read your spread on "toxic positivity". Great insights 👍

Before I add my two cents, I wanted to say I really admire how you come up with VERY on point and focused questions on the subject you’re exploring! This is an area I really must work on with my readings… Also, I would like to know if you use reversals. If I remember well, it seems you’re like me; I don’t but I can usually tell when the meanings are, well, ill-dignified ( I use this term loosely for spread context + card). I say that because in this particular spread, that came up more than once. Btw, you’ll find it interesting that we saw VERY similar points but in completely different cards. Isn’t that fascinating?

1- How does an overly positive message help? 6 of Pentacles

I really like your take on clients always coming for more “feel good” factor. I just wanted to say that this card to me often points to co-dependence. It is all very nice that the smug guy gives them coins but that may and usually does become a habit. Like beggars who constantly follow the same people who once gave them alms. Call me cynical but there’s gain here in both sides although not a very clean one: the beggar gets what they want (money, favors) and the giver has his EGO massaged. Excellent for a quick fix but horrible in the long run. Have you ever experienced those clients who come for a reading and ask the same question for the 200th time? Besides, the coin may buy them happiness for a while, but they should be taught how to fish. Tarot, imo, should be used to show/suggest people ways to fix the issues by themselves, to become independent, to fend for themselves.

2- How can over-positivity affect the relationship between reader and seeker? 4 of Pentacles

It keeps them protected and isolated in their own world, hanging on to the coins (overly positive predictions) given to them in the previous card. They operate on fate alone and not on growing their own power.

3- How can an overly positive message hurt? Empress

As I usually associate this card with mothers, it gives the seekers the impression that things will always be “made better” by someone else, that there will always be a happy ending. “Mom will kiss the pain away”. This may be helpful in specific times when the seeker is EXTREMELY vulnerable, fragile and incapable of facing the challenges ahead. But not all the time.

4- What does an authentic balanced message offer? 2 of Pentacles

I shows that things WILL be challenging (walking on a tight rope) but that with the appropriate skill and balance, the reader will be able to face the obstacles and get to the other side. The reader gave the boy the two pieces of information (the good and the bad) but it is the boy ALONE who is balancing himself on that rope and it is he who will reach the other side. More confident and much wiser.

5- What is the best energy for a Tarot reader to offer? King of Pentacles

If this king had to say something, he would tell you: listen, kiddo, life sucks. But if you learn the ropes, surround yourself with the right people, explore your skills and make the most of what you have and are, you can get where I am too! The King of Pentacles operates on practicality. And that is sorely needed in our times… And yes, as you mentioned “shrewd” is a very good adjective for this man 😊

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Ana Luisa Hering, thank you very much indeed for your positive and well-informed feedback, I really appreciate it!

In answer to your questions...

I very rarely use reversals, and sometimes feel guilty about that, as I've read so many comments from people saying words to the effect of, '... if you don't use reversals you are missing out on a lot of insights that would enhance your readings... and etc.' Now... when I do read with reversals, I get why people say this, but honestly, I believe I am like you and can, "...I can usually tell when the meanings are, well, ill-dignified."

I love that we have arrived at similar messages, but from completely different cards! There's something in that to ponder on for a future post, as well as a happy grin relating to this one 😊

1 - I totally agree with your point here. Especially, "... they should be taught how to fish. Tarot, imo, should be used to show/suggest people ways to fix the issues by themselves, to become independent, to fend for themselves."

2 - Yes, absolutely!

3 - I like this point a lot, "This may be helpful in specific times when the seeker is EXTREMELY vulnerable, fragile and incapable of facing the challenges ahead. But not all the time." I was really conscious of remaining truthful to the position talking about 'hurt', so this point didn't register for me in the way you have expressed it... thanks for adding it!

4 - Yes, I think we are saying the same thing here. This is very much a balancing act, but loses that if the message lacks authenticity, and thereby becomes less useful.

5 - "The King of Pentacles operates on practicality. And that is sorely needed in our times… " Oh yes! Absolutely for sure!!!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment on this post, I very much appreciate it! My purpose in writing this Substack is to engage with people who want to chat Tarot, and you have just done that beautifully 🙏🏼🕯️

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Oh, Phil, this was an absolute masterclass in self-awareness and Tarot integrity.

That Biafra story? Oh, I felt that because I lived it too. My parents used the same guilt trip on me, and from that era, I coined my own little childhood rebellion: "Why measure ourselves against the starving in Africa when we could measure ourselves against the rich in Switzerland?" Let’s just say… they were not amused.

Losing a friend over Tarot? Damn, that’s the kind of plot twist even the cards would roll their eyes at. If someone thinks Tarot is only false hope, they’ve clearly never met the Tower card.

The part about removing "negative" cards - oh, the irony! Tarot is most honest when you really look. The Tower is the Tower. No lipstick on that collapse. Sure, the follow-up can be about rebuilding, but when the Swords strike, when the Tower crumbles… Tarot is that brutally honest friend who looks you in the eye and says, "That foundation? Yeah, it’s trash. Time to start over."

And then there's the King of Pentacles jumping out at the end... because of course. Wisdom, grounding, and no-BS guidance. Exactly what a real reader should embody.

Loved this deep dive. No gilded lilies here, just raw, necessary truth. Keep those insights coming, Phil because the world needs more real Tarot and fewer sugar-coated readings that leave people lost when reality bites. 🔥✨

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"Why measure ourselves against the starving in Africa when we could measure ourselves against the rich in Switzerland?" 🤣 I LOVE that... thanks for sharing that one!!!

Good point about the Tower XVI! Yes... I was really rocked by that at the time... although, to be fair, I was guilty of naiveté for sharing in the first place... of course not everybody will share my passion for Tarot, but it still hurt, y'know?

Yeah, for the Tower XVI, I totally agree with you, although recently I added another thought to it which I read on here from Jenna Newell Hiott of Spirit Connections, where she shares the notion of the collapsing tower exposing what has been concealed within (although she expressed it much more elegantly than I just did 😀) which I think is a fabulous take! Recommend Jenna's Substack btw, it's a goodie!

The King of Pentacles really was a jumper... and when I saw it I knew exactly why he was there. I'd love to be him when I read... that's the aspiration!

Thank you so much for your wonderful, complimentary feedback above... still glowing! 😊

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Oh, I love that take on the Tower - makes perfect sense! What’s been hidden always gets exposed in the rubble, whether we like it or not. And yeah, sharing something close to your heart, only to be met with resistance, always stings… but hey, if it doesn’t shake a few foundations, is it even real Tarot? 😆

And honestly, I’m so glad I finally got to share the Switzerland vs. Africa line with someone who fully gets it! I never really had the chance to say it out loud before - most people didn’t grow up with that kind of parental guilt-trip as a mealtime side dish. 😆🔥

Also, the King of Pentacles as the reader's aspiration? Brilliant. Master of Mind. In my Tarot, I have him holding a brain sphere. The grounded, wise, no-BS-but-still-compassionate energy - exactly what we need more of in this space. And hey, still glowing? Good. You should be. 😎🔥

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Love this! I’ve always been prepared to (compassionately) tell the truth. But, oh, the “Just one more card…?” crew…

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I agree. I don’t! If there’s a clearly different question that builds on what I and the querent have learned in the context of an in-depth session, that’s different. But it has to be very distinct. Like you say, trust the cards.

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Absolutely! That approach gets really interesting, too, so much more insight for both Reader and Querent. I lose myself in readings around there, and time shrinks as I chase question roots with the Querent, and a real journey begins... Love those readings 🤍🕯️

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Oh yes... do you mean the hope that the next card will be the 9 of Cups? :-)

I don't do that... I did... but not for a very long time now. Someone once suggested to me, that pulling additional cards, suggests that you don't trust that the cards Tarot has already given you cover what needs to be told. I found this a compelling argument and trust my cards to tell the Seeker what they need to know.

Do you have a view on this?

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I adopt the same approach. The best example of these toxic readings are a certain kind of TikTok tarot reader. Everyone gets an inheritance! And their twin flame! All the things! I cannot ever support the preying on vulnerable followers.

When I see warnings in a reading, I read them. I will preface them with a few probing questions before I discuss to make sure

(1) the seeker will be a bit more prepared for what I have to say,

(2) relate that to the card in a reasonable way, and then

(3) I always pull at least 3 cards (really whatever my guides say to do) at the end to create a workable game plan of actions the seeker could take to navigate the issue.

I also generally stay away from most all future focused love readings if it involves “will we reconcile”, or anything involving children. If the seeker is looking for that, I pass. These tend to be the “tarot junkies”. Same for legal and medical issues.

I work in the present, but if any strong future things come thru for the seeker from guides, I ask permission to reveal that, with a heavy caveat that it is based on today’s conditions. If it a person I don’t know? I am cautious to do so unless it feels appropriate. I may work that into the reading more subtly and frame it in a better way to not give false hope.

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Thanks very much for stopping by, reading, and commenting on this post (I love reading comments!) ... much appreciated! 🙏🏼

I think we have a very similar approach, with the slight difference that I am probably one of the last people on the planet who has never been to Tik-Tok! 😀

I love the fact that you probe for for further understanding to prepare the Seeker for something that is liable to challenge them... I could certainly do more of that... occasionally, I think I am so involved in the story of the reading that I don't take enough time over this bit... and I really should!

What I especially love is that you work to, '... create a workable game plan of actions the seeker could take to navigate the issue' I've always felt this is absolutely essential, too, and it touches on the whole Fortune Helper/Fortune Teller approach, where readings focussed on the now still need to offer something the Seeker can take away to work on... or... what's the point!

Yes, I completely take your point about "today’s conditions"... I've mused on this a lot over the years, and each time circle back to the feeling that, as fabulous as it is, a Tarot deck cannot fully account for everything that will happen to everyone around the Seeker which will enable them to guarantee their future... and, if it did... speaking personally, I'm not sure I'd want to know, because that level of certainty impacts of our free will... and... circle around again 😊

Thanks again, I really enjoy exchanging practices and ideas 🕯️😊

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Loving this too! I actually have not been on TikTok, but in my intrepid journalism and research, this tends to be the consensus. A lot can be gleaned from reading Reddit and blogs.

I’ve seen clips of a few and it hurt my heart. I don’t watch YouTube tarot readers, either. Collective readings don’t do it for me. You won’t see me do much of that, either. I have a few early ones from 2023 when I was lining up with a few ladies month after month, but that ended as quickly as it started.

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I suspect if you did go to TikTok, you’d hate it given what you’ve said about your own style 😀

Someone recommended I check out some YT Readers, and I did… I found them really interesting to watch, but didn’t buy the collective reading thing either… mainly for the reasons I mentioned above.

I do one collective reading, a Card of the Month (next post next week) and that feels ok (it started with a FB reading for a local Wellbeing Group as a way to get me back into Tarot after a long break… they seem to appreciate it, and I enjoy it, so I have continued…) kind of what “would be a good energy to embrace over the next month-ish?”… but otherwise, I’m not really sure… I’ve wondered about reading for the situation in the USA right now, but I’m a Brit, and it would feel impertinent to go there, and I am certainly not well enough informed to offer anything I’d believe in posting.

I am aware, though, that at some point if I want to continue with this Substack I will need to consider a collective reading approach… but I’m hoping that’s a long way away yet 😊

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A very interesting read and many thoughts for the future. Thank you ✨✨

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Thanks for stopping by tomrambler319, and reading and commenting, too.

I'm really glad you found it interesting 👍🏼🕯️

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Your reading was very illuminating and some of the questions posited has left me thinking. Always a pleasure to read your lists and I send you many Blessings 🙏✨🌱🦋

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To you, too, many blessings and thanks for your comments 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🕯️

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In all honesty, collective readings are a bit saturated, well . . . everywhere. Chose to not do that and focus on topics (creativity, musings on the death card, advanced tarot, shadow work). I did post my 2025 archetypes 12 month spread, but I didn’t put an actual spread for the collective in it. But that’s my thing. I refuse to comply.

A spread on the dire situation here in the states can only result in sadness, I think. Most of us who are traumatized by the rising hatred in this country are rather shellshocked at the moment. If anything, a focus on how to cope would be helpful. Just my POV, because I am one of the shellshocked people.

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Oh, Erica, I really feel for you and your country right now, and a reading on how to cope sounds like a great idea... I will definitely give some thought to how I can do that without coming across as an ill-informed foreigner know-all.

Your point about collective readings being saturated is absolutely right, and as a newcomer here I guess I'm still finding my way... I know I am on a pathway that is very satisfying at the moment, and I'm keen to maintain the momentum... This chat is really helping with that, too... So, thanks for your insights 🙏🏼😊

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Thanks for the restack, Syd, I appreciate it 🙏🏼 😊 🕯️

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